Genetic examinations list
Laboratory focus
Diagnostic group
Clinical expertise code
Tests covered by the reimbursement
Tests without reimbursement
PGT of aneuploidy in DEM
Preimplantation genetic testing of aneuploidy in DEM embryos by NGS method to assess their suitability for transfer and exclude non-viable embryos.
Trophectoderm, Amplified DNA from the trophectodermTurnover Time:
4 weeksSTATIM
Screening of cell-free foetal DNA (cfDNA) from the blood of a pregnant woman to detect aneuploidy of sex and non-sex chromosomes of the aborted foetus and its gender. From week 10 of the pregnancy.
Peripheral bloodTurnover Time:
2 weeksSTATIM
1 weekcfDNA test GENNET
Screening of cell-free foetal DNA (cfDNA) from the blood of a pregnant woman to detect aneuploidy of sex and non-sex chromosomes of the aborted foetus and its gender. From week 10 of the pregnancy.
Peripheral bloodTurnover Time:
2 weeksSTATIM
1 weekCascade prenatal testing (by QF-PCR, array) excluding maternal contamination
Cascade aneuploidy testing of material after invasive prenatal examination using QF-PCR and array methods, excluding maternal contamination. This can be supplemented by foetal karyotyping, if necessary.
Chorionic villi, Amniotic fluid …Turnover Time:
3 weeksQF-PCR aneuploidy testing of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y
Rapid diagnostic testing of prenatal samples is used to determine aneuploidy of chromosomes 13, 18, 21 and sex chromosomes by QF-PCR.
Chorionic villi, Amniotic fluid …STATIM
2 daysTesting for maternal contamination
Testing of maternal contamination of material after collection by invasive techniques, using QF-PCR.