Genetic examinations list
Laboratory focus
Diagnostic group
Clinical expertise code
Tests covered by the reimbursement
Tests without reimbursement
Spinal muscular atrophy – determination of copy number of exon 7 and 8 in the SMN1 gene
Examination of SMN1 and SMN2 genes associated with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) by MLPA method. This concerns an autosomal recessive disease that is most often associated with homozygous deletion of exon 7 in the SMN1 gene (almost 95% of all patients with SMA).
Peripheral blood, Isolated DNA from bloodTurnover Time:
3 weeksSTATIM
3 daysPGT-M direct embryo sequencing
Testing for the presence of a known mutation in an embryo originating from one parent using (Sanger) sequencing of a specific region. Can only be done in conjunction with the PGT-M karyomapping method.
Trophectoderm, Amplified DNA from the trophectodermTurnover Time:
4 weeksSTATIM
2 weeksCascade prenatal testing (by QF-PCR, array) excluding maternal contamination
Cascade aneuploidy testing of material after invasive prenatal examination using QF-PCR and array methods, excluding maternal contamination. This can be supplemented by foetal karyotyping, if necessary.
Chorionic villi, Amniotic fluid …Turnover Time:
3 weeksQF-PCR aneuploidy testing of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y
Rapid diagnostic testing of prenatal samples is used to determine aneuploidy of chromosomes 13, 18, 21 and sex chromosomes by QF-PCR.
Chorionic villi, Amniotic fluid …STATIM
2 daysTesting for maternal contamination
Testing of maternal contamination of material after collection by invasive techniques, using QF-PCR.
Peripheral blood, Isolated DNA from bloodSTATIM
2 daysQF-PCR gender testing
Testing for sex chromosomes X and Y by QF-PCR.