Genetic examinations list

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PGT-M direct embryo sequencing

Testing for the presence of a known mutation in an embryo originating from one parent using (Sanger) sequencing of a specific region. Can only be done in conjunction with the PGT-M karyomapping method.


Trophectoderm, Amplified DNA from the trophectoderm

Turnover Time:

4 weeks


2 weeks

Uniparental foetal disomy

Preimplantation genetic testing aimed at demonstrating that for each pair of chromosomes, one chromosome from the father and one from the mother is present in an embryo or foetus sample.


Trophectoderm, Amplified DNA from the trophectoderm

Turnover Time:

4 weeks


2 weeks

PGT of aneuploidy in DEM

Preimplantation genetic testing of aneuploidy in DEM embryos by NGS method to assess their suitability for transfer and exclude non-viable embryos.


Trophectoderm, Amplified DNA from the trophectoderm

Turnover Time:

4 weeks


2 weeks

DNA isolation and banking

DNA isolation and its storage in the laboratory (banking).


Peripheral blood, Buccal swab …
Peripheral blood, Buccal swab, Amniotic fluid, Cord blood, Conception product, Cultured cells, Solid tumour, Ejaculate, Isolated DNA from chorionic villi

Turnover Time:

48 hours

DNA disposal after testing

Disposal of isolated DNA after its testing.


Isolated DNA from blood, DNA from chorionic villi …
Isolated DNA from blood, Isolated DNA from chorionic villi, Isolated DNA from amniotic fluid, Isolated DNA from cordocentesis, DNA isolated from the product of conception

Turnover Time:

3 months

Transfer of DNA aliquots after isolation for genetic testing outside GENNET

Transfer of DNA aliquots after isolation for genetic testing outside GNTlabs.


Isolated DNA from blood, DNA from chorionic villi …
Isolated DNA from blood, Isolated DNA from chorionic villi, Isolated DNA from amniotic fluid, Isolated DNA from cordocentesis, DNA isolated from the product of conception

Turnover Time:

1 week