Genetic examinations list
Laboratory focus
Diagnostic group
Clinical expertise code
Tests covered by the reimbursement
Tests without reimbursement
PGT preparation, female patient
DNA testing of the female patient by karyomapping (SNP array) to determine the parental origin of chromosome segments in the examined embryos and to possibly detect various types of genetic disorders, including monogenic ones.
Peripheral blood, Buccal swab …Turnover Time:
4 weeksSTATIM
2 weeksPGT preparation, partner
DNA testing of the patient’s partner by karyomapping (SNP array) to determine the parental origin of chromosome segments in the examined embryos and to possibly detect various types of genetic disorders, including monogenic ones.
Peripheral blood, Buccal swab …Turnover Time:
4 weeksSTATIM
2 weeksPGT preparation, relatives
DNA testing of the patient’s relatives by karyomapping (SNP array) to determine the parental origin of chromosome segments in the examined embryos and to possibly detect various types of genetic disorders, including monogenic ones.
Peripheral blood, Buccal swab …Turnover Time:
4 weeksSTATIM
2 weeksPGT – structural chromosome defect (PGT-SR)
Preimplantační genetické testování strukturních chromozomových vad u embryí s cílem identifikovat nebalancovaná a aneuploidní embrya a vyloučit je z transferu. Dle typu a velikosti strukturní chromozomové vady se provádí buď metodou NGS, anebo SNP array.
Trophectoderm, Amplified DNA from the trophectodermTurnover Time:
4 weeksSTATIM
2 weeksPGT – monogenic disease (PGT‐M)
Preimplantation genetic testing of monogenic diseases in embryos by karyomapping (SNP array) to determine their genotype and to test aneuploidy. Embryos carrying a genotype associated with the development of a genetic disorder or a variation in the number of chromosomes are not recommended for transfer.
Trophectoderm, Amplified DNA from the trophectodermTurnover Time:
4 weeksSTATIM
2 weeksUniparental foetal disomy
Preimplantation genetic testing aimed at demonstrating that for each pair of chromosomes, one chromosome from the father and one from the mother is present in an embryo or foetus sample.