Non-invasive paternity test (upon agreement) from week 11 of the pregnancy

Test without reimbursement:
Peripheral blood, Peripheral blood


Peripheral blood for NIPT | 10 ml Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT CE non-clotting blood (after blood sampling, the tube must be inverted 10 times and stored at room temperature. The blood must be processed in the laboratory within 48 hours of collection!)
Storage after examination: 1 aliquot is stored -70°C
Peripheral blood | 1x 3 ml of whole blood in K3 EDTA tube
Storage after examination: week after the report is issued 2 – 8°C

Quick test description:

A non-invasive paternity test is performed upon agreement with the laboratory from week 11 of the pregnancy. The test is carried out from the blood of the mother, which contains the free DNA of the foetus, and the blood of the putative father. The test can only be carried out in singleton pregnancies (it is not possible to test the paternity of twins).