HLA DQA1*05 typing (immunogenicity)

Test covered by the reimbursement:
Peripheral blood, Buccal swab
Turnover time:
3 weeks
1 week


Peripheral blood | 1x 3 ml of whole blood in K3 EDTA tube
Storage after examination: week after the report is issued 2 – 8°C
Buccal swab | 2x swab stick for buccal swab collection
Storage after examination: week after the report is issued 2 – 8°C
Isolated DNA from blood | 10–100 ng/μL of isolated DNA from blood in a PCR tube of at least 15 μL.
Storage after examination: stored in a DNA archive without restriction 15°C

Quick test description:

Detection of the presence of HLA DQA1*05*01 and HLA DQA1*05*05 alleles by real-time PCR.

Test details:

The presence of two high-risk alleles is demonstrated – HLA-DQA1*05:01 allele that have been shown to be present in patients with Crohn’s disease treated with anti-TNF drugs, which, according to association studies, is significantly related to immunogenicity (rate of antibody formation) against infliximab, and the HLA-DQA1*05:05 allele which, according to association studies, is significantly associated with immunogenicity against adalimumab in these patients. Antibodies may lead to the ineffectiveness of biological therapy and may be a source of early and delayed hypersensitivity reactions to the biological drug. The test is performed using real-time PCR, which is based on the determination of HLA DQA1*05*01 and HLA DQA1*05*05 alleles by diagnostic kit.