cfDNA test GENNET (spontaneous abortion)

Test covered by the reimbursement:
Clinical expertise code:
208, 603
Peripheral blood
Turnover time:
2 weeks
1 week


Peripheral blood for NIPT | 10 ml Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT CE non-clotting blood (after blood sampling, the tube must be inverted 10 times and stored at room temperature. The blood must be processed in the laboratory within 48 hours of collection!)
Storage after examination: 1 aliquot is stored -70°C

Quick test description:

Screening of cell-free foetal DNA (cfDNA) from the blood of a pregnant woman to detect aneuploidy of sex and non-sex chromosomes of the aborted foetus.

Test details:

Additional screening of circulating cell-free foetal DNA (cffDNA) from maternal blood after foetal abortion to the standard test used: Cascade testing of the product of conception (by QF-PCR methods) excluding maternal contamination. We use a procedure designed for NIPT testing of pregnant women (for more information, see cfDNA Test GENNET). This test may be the only way to detect changes in the number (aneuploidy) of a given chromosome or part of it (structural aberration) in an aborted foetus if maternal contamination in the tissue from the abortion is detected and it is therefore not possible to use the standard procedure of cascading the product of conception.